作者:无涯茶屋 发布时间:2024-04-17 09:01:40 47人已围观
大家都知道,在英文里,“茶”就是tea。那么“红茶”理所当然的应该是“red tea”了?恰恰不对。有趣的是,在英语里,我们所说的红茶实际上是“black tea”,英文。
Introduction about every part of tea set: 1.teapot 2.serving container 3.smaller tea cup 4. iron kettle 5. waste-water stuff Rinse tea set Pour the boiled water into the teapot. And。
茶叶的制作过程 The manufacturing process of tea-leaf 或 tea processing(茶叶加工)
tea industry是茶业,tea是茶叶 但在下面的翻译中,茶业指的是茶业的生产。所以如下翻译 汉铭茶业有限公司 Hanming Tea Manufacturing CO.,LTD 仅供参考。
中国茶文化 (中英双语) The Chinese people, in their drinking of tea, place much 。 中国茶文化 中国人饮茶, 注重一个"品"字。"品茶"不但是鉴别茶的优劣,也带有。
用手摘出叶子上的茶然后进行加工With the hand pick out on the leaves of tea and then carry on the processing。
the making process of tea
① 绿茶 [lǜ chá] 基本翻译 green tea。
② National tea are the same, the production process of different varieties of tea different. The first organic tea plantation in winter, just germination is produced by Chui Mei ,and。
③ Abstract: This article Zhongdi Dang green tea as raw material to work on a simple tea in the tea polyphenols active ingredients, caffeine, tea polysaccharide from the 。
说实话百度复制来的咱么这本事 Tea in China is as important as coffee in the western。 在中国,茶的地位等同于西方国家的咖啡。大多数中国人都喜欢喝茶。它有益于人体。
Do you know the tea prodution? Let me tell you
茶叶的生产过程英文,茶的生产过程英语于2024-04-17 09:01:40创建,发布于【茶叶文化】栏目
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