

作者:无涯茶屋 发布时间:2024-02-15 12:00:42 24人已围观


1, hot pot: Before tea in hot pot with boiling water, one can remove the peculiar smell in the pot; and a hot pot can volatilize tea. 2, home tea: General tea kettle spout of the teapot is smaller, the tea into a tea, this time。


①tea /ti:; ti/ ---------- 1 ---------- [U] (dried leaves of an) evergreen shrub grown in China, India, etc 茶叶; 茶树: * a pound of tea 一磅茶叶. ---------- 2 ---------- (a) [U] drink make by pouring boiling water on these leave。

②Fifth, black tea brews for about 5 minutes.Green tea brews for about 3 minutes.

③一、tea 1、英 [tiː] 美 [tiː] 2、n;茶叶;茶树;茶点 3、vt;给…沏茶 4、vi;喝茶;进茶点 5、n;(Tea)人名;(柬)迪 二、短语 black tea [食品] 红茶 ; 祁红 ; 黑茶 ; 黑色的茶 扩展资料 词语用法 n. (名词) tea的基本。



冲茶步骤 1) 焚香静气:指点燃檀香静气的闻香2) 茗嘉酬宾:指茶叶拿给客人欣赏3) 孟臣洒露:指洗茶壶之类4) 乌龙入宫:指茶叶投入茶壶5) 悬壶高冲:指热水从。


① Tea is one of the favorite drinks among Chinese. Here I'd like to talk about how to make tea.First,take a cup .Then,put tea leaves into the cup.Next,pour boiled water into it. 。

② 红茶:black tea 绿茶:green tea 关于红茶的野史——大家知道英国人为什么特别喜欢喝红茶吗?其实事情是这样的:当年英国的茶叶商人喝过中国的绿茶以后大为喜欢,。

③ First, raw materials: Tea, teapot with coverSecond, the steps:1, pour some hot water over the pot, the soup pot;2, the water poured out the tea into them;3, pour some water 。


Tea is one kind of the famous drink around the world. I like to drink tea. first, put a little bit tea in the cup. second, put hot water in the cup. then, cover the cup for a few minutes。.。

泡茶的步骤:(Essential steps ) 冲泡方法 绿茶的冲泡,相比于乌龙茶,程序非常简单。根据条索的紧结程度,应分 为两种。然而,无论使用何种方法,第一步均需烫杯,以利茶叶色香味的 发挥。 (The method of brewing tea leaves, compared to oolo。


①make a cup of tea

②1, apply adequate amount of tea (the ratio of tea and water purified) 2, the boiled water brew with 100 degrees Celsius 3, first pot of water soak 1 minute, the water away so, leave the tea 4, continue to pour, every time soak 。

③ c 煮水b 洗杯子a 把茶叶放入茶杯d 泡茶。

茶叶冲泡英文,茶叶冲泡英文介绍于2024-02-15 12:00:42创建,发布于茶叶价格栏目

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